Hi, my name is Belinda – welcome to SIVIO Connect! This is a site dedicated to keeping you connected with the SIVIO Institute team and fully updated on the work that we’re doing as and when we’re doing it. There’s always a lot going on at SIVIO. This is because we are a very passionate team, eager to influence development efforts in Africa. So, we naturally have new publications, trainings, dialogues and multimedia content going out almost weekly.

Sometimes our audiences miss out on important updates. This also means it’s easy to miss out on the value of the work that we do, especially when our signature products are produced or discussed. We’ve created this platform to ensure that our audience is fully aware of what we are doing and the value it is generating for the continent and citizens like yourself. Through SIVIO Connect you can easily track our progress through our updates and find the interconnections between what we do and the lived realities of Africans.

Our updates are packaged simply in “quick reads” so you don’t miss a beat. We track the SIVIO knowledge story so you can easily find the content you need when you need it.  Additionally, if you are a publisher of development content for Africa, you will find value in the repositories we have created to quickly reference our work spanning 19 African countries as of December 2023.   

Find out more about the passionate SIVIO team here.

In addition to all the knowledge we produce, we have opportunities for African citizens in the form of specialized niche trainings, all self-paced, online, and free for anyone to take.

  1. Introduction to Civic Society Organisations
  2. Introduction to the Principles of Entrepreneurship
  3. Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship
  4. School of Sustainable Civil Society Organisations

Click the link to find out about the latest initiatives that we are engaged in.


SIVIO Institute Website

sivioinstitute.org explains more about who we are, what we do as well as more of our outputs.



SIVIO TV is a collection of video products that explore citizen agency.


SIVIO Newsletters

Quarterly newsletters that keep you up to date with what the team is up to.


SIVIO Magazine

Explore topics that are crucial towards achieving inclusion.

Coming soon…



Short write ups and reflections about SIVIO projects.


SIVIO Social

Follow @sivioinstitute on social media to get updates

Quarterly Newsletter for what SIVIO Institute and the team are up to as an organisation

Monthly thematic reflections from the SIVIO Institute team


Key Insights and Publications published by SIVIO Institute

What is SIVIO Institute?

SIVIO Institute (SI) is an independent organisation focused on ensuring that citizens are at the centre of processes of socio-economic and policy change. It aims to contribute towards Africa’s inclusive socio-economic transformation. It is borne out of a desire to enhance agency as a stimulus/catalyst for inclusive political and socio-economic transformation.

SIVIO’s work entails multi-disciplinary, cutting-edge policy research, nurturing citizens’ agency to be part of the change that they want to see, working with communities to mobilize their assets to resolve some of the immediate problems they face.

Learn more: sivioinstitute.org

What does SIVIO Institute produce?

SIVIO Institute is known for producing its research reports, hosting convenings and leveraging technology across the 3 Centres of work which are listed below:

  • Civic Engagement
  • Social Entrepreneurship & Inclusion
  • Philanthropy & Communities
Where do I find recent information about SIVIO Institute?

Under the “News” Tab, you will find posts of recent SIVIO Institue products. These posts will outline “WHY” these products are important and “HOW” they contribute to the Quest for an Inclusive Society.

Who is the SIVIO Institute team?

The Media Kit includes information on the whole SIVIO Institute team including some testimonials from SIVIO alumni and partners.

How can I get involved?

The Opportunities tab outlines the ways that you can get involved with up-coming projects and initiatives.