You will never walk alone! That is the commitment that 27 community foundations from across Zimbabwe affirmed made today. These foundations are vastly different with different membership bases (some had 20 members, others had 2000), different focus areas (land ownership, women empowerment, digital inclusion, inclusion for those with disabilities or those with HIV and AIDS, and children protection to name a few), different geographical areas (from Mutare to Bulawayo, Kariba to Beitbridge), different experience (those operating since 1980 to another who just registered last year) and yet they recognise that there is a need for collaboration to fully ensure the impact of community foundations in Zimbabwe.
As SIVIO Institute we had the privilege to provide a space for these community foundation leaders to talk to one another, exchange ideas and establish a way that they would like to work together. These organisations are born out of a need to see sustainable, local-driven solutions to the everyday needs of the communities in which they serve. Challenges exist, but they have been able to harness local resources, expertise, and experience through which they can support, encourage and uphold each other. It is now the time for these community foundations of Zimbabwe to share their stories, showcase their innovations and highlight how communities can come together to drive local development.
We are excited to see what forms this collaboration will take place. We will continue to share the stories of the good work that these community-based organisations and the progress they make as they work together.